Veteran’s Aide & Attendance Program

Key Home Care » Veteran’s Aide & Attendance Program

Veteran’s Aide & Attendance Program

You may qualify for 10-20 hours of free Home Care for the rest of your life.

Key Home Care works in conjunction with Veteran’s Home Care to help veterans or their surviving spouses apply for a little-known benefit to pay for assistance with home care. We provide the home care while the VA reviews the claims processed through Veteran’s Home Care. 

The VA benefit application process can take 6-12 months to get approved and involves an extensive application process. Most people need the care in place before the application is approved. That’s where Veteran’s Home Care comes in. They can tell you in a short time if you would qualify for the benefit and help you throughout the entire process; meanwhile, services can begin right away when you need the help.

Many Veterans or their widows are eligible for the Aid & Attendance pension to help pay for home care. Veteran’s Home Care has helped thousands of families receive the Aid & Attendance pension and continue to live in their homes.